“Play is the highest form of research.”
Our playgroup curriculum is an activity based, hands-on learning program that includes art, theatre, water play, music, yoga, stories and much more. Children from the age of 18 months to 2.5 years, learn various cognitive skills, get acquainted with social- engagement, start understanding the value of being an emotional being, develop language skills and above all grow & understand the need of being a social being. We at Sejwal’s ABC Play School believe in the fact that this is the best time to educate “little humans” about life and hence we focus on all the primary domains of your child”s toddler year development.
“NURSERY is about getting prepared for entering a structured education space.”
The nursery group designed for children between age group of 3 to 4 years introduces more of a subject-based learning where the children start learning the basics in mathematics, environmental studies, science, art and get a platform for learning languages.
K.G –
““Life is about using the whole box of crayons.”
By the age of 4 years, children start understanding the concept of being intellectual, putting up questions, answering open-ended questions and above all the concept of time.
Filled in form should be submitted in the office along with
- Latest two colored passport size photograph of the students in school uniform.
- Photographs of the parents.
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate .
- Address Proof, Pan card / Driving license / Electricity Bill.